帕迪·帕德曼森(Paddy Padmanthan)在阿布扎比举行的一次能源盛会的间隙告诉路透社,该公司建设电力和海水淡化厂,并在沙特阿拉伯拥有50%的投资组合,并计划拓展新市场。
沙特阿拉伯主权财富基金公共投资基金(PI F)持有ACWA电力25%的股份,并计划将其增加到40%。
郝芬 译自 能源世界网
Saudi Arabia's ACWA Power plans $10 bln of investments in 2020- CEO
Saudi Arabian utility developer ACWA Power is planning to invest about $10 billion in 2020 as it eyes new projects in some 10 ries, the company's chief executive said on Saturday.
The company, which builds power and desalinated water plants and has 50% of its portfolio in Saudi Arabia, plans to expand into new markets, Paddy Padmanthan told Reuters on the sidelines of an energy event in Abu Dhabi.
ACWA Power has assets in 12 ries and has bid for renewable energy projects in five new ries - Ethiopia, Tunisia, Cambodia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
"We have won two renewable energy projects (in Ethiopia) this year which together will produce 300 mega watts, they will run in parallel and be worth about $500 million of investments," he said.
"A few days ago we signed a contract worth $300 million dollars to produce 200 mega watts in Azerbaijan. We are looking at another east European ry, we might have something there in the course of a month to six weeks," he added.
Padmanthan said ACWA was also developing several new renewable energy projects in Indonesia, which he expects to be worth around $500 million, and aimed to expand its portfolio to Jordan and Morocco, as well as boost its operations in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), holds a 25% stake in ACWA and is planning to increase that to 40%.
原标题:沙特ACWA电力计划2020年投资100亿美元开发新项目 来源:中国石化