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当葡电偶遇三峡 会产生怎样的火花?

2018-07-24 09:59 来源:三峡电能 作者: 张晓帆 夏菁





葡电业务开发部项目经理 Rui Bernardo

It's coming to an end a very special and fruitful week of work and cooperation. I want to soundly thank CYPC's team for the amazing support we had througouth our time in China, as they received us with arms wide open and strongly contributed, with their knowledge and dedication, to the success of this important milestone of the project. I can only foresee success for the journey ahead of us! I wish you all the best!


葡电生产技术部副主任 Pedro Carreira

The warm and supportive reception that EDP and CEM had from CYPC team at Three Gorges dam area has been key for the success of Yichang project. The expertise and professionalism of CYPC team members is amazing and one of the main reasons for the extraordinary development CTG has been showing in becoming a top sustainable power operator with a global presence in the whole electricity value chain.


葡电技术创新部区域经理 Bruno Espirito Santo

This is undoubtedly a project of reference and joint because the team formed between CYPC, EDP and CEM worked with a vision and a focused goal for a delivery of excellence, aligned with the needs and objectives of making CYPC a reference in the business of distribution and sale of energy and services. I must highlight the excellent work team formed and the friendships made. Thanks!


葡电调度和控制中心项目经理 Tiago Filipe Simoes

The professionalism and excellence of TGEE workers will leverage CTG for a future of supremacy in the energy sector.The time shared with the operators of Chenjiachong substation was extremely important to better understand the culture and processes of the operation.Even if we speak a different language deep knowledge and acuity of the operation team was manifested constantly. I want to thank all those who, one way or another, crossed paths during my stay in China.


葡电业务开发部项目经理 Rui Almeida

This visit far exceeded initial expectations, so productive and useful that it was in clarifying the guidelines for the prossecution of the project. And this only was possible due to the huge support and professional knowledge that CYPC colleagues kindly share with us.Hoping next opportunity to visit your amazing land and meet such friendly people again.Many many Thanks to all of You.


葡电技术创新部区域经理 Jorge Mendes Santos

I want to thank you all for this week. It was a great opportunity to visit the bigger Dam in the work and to know so wonderful people. Many thanks for your patience and hospitality. I hope we can meet again, maybe at Portugal! All the best to you.


葡电应用研发部区域经理 Francisco Melo

Great survey! Great team! Great oportunity! This survey week was a great opportunity to share knowledge and I am going back home more inlighted. I am sure of the success of this project and I don't believe in a diferent overcome. Thanks for your warm reception and the open way you discussed the diferent issues. Thanks a lot and I expect to see you all soon.






