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Mr. Mathias Pick:欧洲市场主齿轮箱故障率在下降 主轴承故障率在上升

2015-10-16 10:15 来源:风电后市场 作者: 小xiao晨


小编:How do you describe WTG OEM market in Europe?

Mathias Pick:There are two different strategies in OEM business. Big OEMs like Vestas, Gamesa, Siemens, focusing on the very large offshore market. To handle the cost and risks they choose joint ventures with MHI, AREVA.. The smaller players are still concentrating on WTG for low wind location. Many players are working on developments of WTG in power range of 4MW for onshore locations. Both the offshore and the onshore market a still growing, but in some single ry (GB, Spain..) the framework for wind energy is still unsteady.

小编:Any new technical applications /innovations on WTG right now in Europe?

Mathias Pick:The OEMs are working on future turbines, with compact drivetrains and also improved maintenance concepts. Medium speed WTG is also are trend and new main bearing concepts for the new compact drive trains. For offshore there are several development projects for offshore structures and also floating WTG concepts for deep water location.

小编:The business models by WTG aftermarket in Europe ?

Mathias Pick:In the German aftermarket we see acquisitions of small services provides from bigger players. It is still open who will get the big service business in Europe, either OEMs or free service providers. Repowering is growing but compared with the construction of new wind parks a niche.

小编:According to you ,the failure rate of WTG parts . which one is most high so far and which one is common concern ?

Mathias Pick:Just from mechanical view of the WTG: Gearbox failures which we saw in the past are reduced. We see in the moment more failures of main bearings and smaller drives from the mechanical drive train.

小编:What’s your company offer and advantages?

Mathias Pick:We offer advanced mechanical drive train design with the latest main bearing and structural design. Many years in wind bearing business and WTG development allows us to provide independent solution what are very reliable, cost efficient and global purchasable. We also share our experience we build up from turbine developments to solve problems of existing turbines in the field.

小编:How do you think China wind power industry ? by OEM and after market , any helpful suggestions.

Mathias Pick:China had a very good start in the last 10 years with existing WTG with licensees partner. Now you need a USP to convince Chinese and global customers from your turbine. Cost will be still the main factor, but also an efficient dive train and maintenance concept. The offshore business is still in an early stage of development, these are opportunities for big players with a long term strategy.

原标题:Mr. Mathias Pick:欧洲市场主齿轮箱故障率在下降 主轴承故障率在上升




