(来源:微信公众号“风能情报” )
最近,西门子歌美飒Gamesa已与TüVNORD签订合同,后者将为SG 10.0-193 DD涡轮机提供认证。TüVNORD将进行涡轮机设计检查和原型以及型式试验活动,其中包括负载验证测量,安全性和功能测试以及性能测量。
与此同时,TüVNORD将监控主要部件的生产以及轮毂和机舱的最终组装是否符合设计要求和Siemens Gamesa规范以及涡轮机是否已准备好进行批量生产。
而据此前媒体报道,SG 10.0-193 DD是西门子歌美飒历史上首次推出10MW以上的风电机组,叶轮直径为193米,从而确保达到10MW的额定功率值,年平均发电量比前身SG 8.0-167提高30%,叶片长度94米,相当于一个标准足球场的长度,扫风面积为29,300平方米。
据西门子歌美飒透露,SG 10.0-193 DD将于今年内安装,2022年可在市场上大批量商业化应用。
TüV NORD Wins Contract for Most Powerful Siemens Gamesa Turbine
Siemens Gamesa has contracted TüV NORD to provide certification for the SG 10.0-193 DD turbine, the company’s first 10+ MW unit.
TüV NORD will carry out turbine design checks and prototype and type testing campaigns which will include load validation measurements, safety and functional tests, as well as performance measurements.
Based on the data obtained, the company will check whether the properties of the wind turbine meet the design evaluation.
At the same time, TüV NORD will monitor if the production of the main components and the final assembly of the hub and nacelle comply with the design requirements and Siemens Gamesa specifications and whether the turbine is ready for series production.
Siemens Gamesa launched the SG 10.0-193 DD in January, with the prototype expected to be installed this year and commercial market deployment scheduled for 2022.
The 10MW rating is made possible through a larger generator diameter, building on the Siemens Gamesa Direct Drive generator technology. By increasing the rotor diameter to 193m, the turbine is said to offer up to 30% more AEP than its predecessor, the SG 8.0-167 DD.